PEDIGREE OF IF-2003-PAOF 7270 B COLOR : Blue SEX : Hen STRAIN: Hofkens X Janssen |AU-95-R-1424 B |1 - 6,356 NEU 259M |32 - 3,407 300M |AU-96 A 5016 B ----| |CJC Combine Ace-Pigeon| |1, 3, 3, 4, 10 Club, | |10, 15, 54, 92 Combine|NL 92-1491394 B |3200+ Birds |Nelles v/d Pol | |Hofkens | |2001-2385 B ----| |Won 2 diplomas as YB| |NL89-1595678 Bp | | |Foundation Hofkens | |NL90-1000201 Bspl ----| | |1st Creil | | |Dam of 1ST CJC Combine|NL89-1595697 | |200M 4300+ B |Hofkens IF-2003-PAOF 7270 B | |NL94-1440209 B | |Janssen Line 46 | |Son of Kees Bousa's | |IF98 PAF-0732 B ----|famous "Bange Couple" | |Won 7th, 40th and 40th| | |CJC Combine 3400+ B |NL92-1466708 BC |2001-618 LBC ----| |Nelles V/d Pol nest mate 1st 300M | |Hofkens | | |B81-6116664 Slate | |Gr. Son Geeloger `67 |91-401 Slate ----| Inbred Janssen |B83-6464420 LC |Direct Janssen A. Jesse Wu 144 S. Telegraph Hill Road Holmdel, N.J. 07733 U. S. A. 732-706-0268